Guritom closed down...

I’m surprised today when I type , the link forward me to another website It’s make me wonder what has happened to I really miss the website because it is an interesting website with full of information especially for the Sabahan. It’s already two years I’m with A lot of changes happen in the past two years but this time it really make me shock. It’s not I’m sure many guritomian out there would be very sad.

Christmas Song

Anyone who want to search Christmas song should try searching at esnips. A lot of christmas song can be found there. The only thing you need is to be hardworking. Hope you could find what you need there.

It's not limited to christmas song only, but all king of music also available. All you need is a little effort to search and you will get it.

Be the best Christian...

In a morning mass at Sacred Heart Church, Father Eric give an interesting homily.. Its about the preparation for THE DAY OF RESURRECTION… He say as a Christian, we should become the best and not just a good Christian only.

A new beginning...

I start blogging again after a few months stop doing it. After reading a few article written by a few dedicated Sabahan Blogger I am much more confident to blog again. Frankly speaking, I learn a lot from the article they publish in their blog. Now I realize there are a lot of mistake that I make and one of them is losing focus and giving up. But the biggest mistake I made is I don’t blogging about the niche that I love.hehe..

But now, I hope with the lesson I learnt from my mistakes I can elevate myself from a blogger to a professional blogger one day… Hehehe…


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